Thursday, May 9, 2019

Excerpts from the book - Twenty One lessons for the Twenty First Century- Y Noah Harari

*We have no idea what the job market will be in 2050.It is generally agreed that machine learning and robotics will change almost every line of work.The job market of 2050 might well be characterised by Human - AI ( Artificial Inteligence) co-operation rather than competition.

*What will happen to this view of life as we increasingly rely on AI to make decisions for us?At present we trust NEFLIX to recommend movies,and Google Maps to choose whether to turn right or left .But once we begin to count on AI to decide what to study,where to work, and whom to marry, human life will cease to be a drama of decision making.

*As authority shifts from humans to algorithms , we may no longer see the world as the playground of autonomous individuals struggling to make the right choices. Instead we might perceive the entire universe as a flow of data, see organisms a little more  than biochemical algorithms and believe that humanity's cosmic vocation is to create an all encompassing data processing system and then merge into it.

*Tommorrow's wealth is data. If we want to prevent the concentration of all wealth and power in the hands of a small elite, the key is to regulate the ownership of data.In ancient times land was the most important asset. In modern era machines and factories become more important than land and political struggle focussed on controlling these vital means of production. In the twenty first century, however data will eclipse both land & machinery as this is the most important asset and politics will be a struggle to control the flow of data.

*The race to obtain data is already on, headed by the data giants , Google, facebook,Baidu & Tencent.Their true business is not to sell advertisments at all,rather by capturing our attention, they manage to accumulate immense amounts of data about us, which is worth more than any advertising revenue.We are not their customers, we are their product.

*Humans and machines might merge so completely that humans will not be able to survive at all if they are disconnected from the network. They will be be connected from the womb and if later in life you choose to disconnect, insurance agencies might refuse to insure you, employees might refuse to employ you and health care services might refuse their services to you.

Dear All

The blog was started to share various information on various aspects of Management Practices for the students of Management.

Its almost a decade , and all the students would be practising managers.
It would be wonderful to hear from their experiences and to bring together others who are hungry for knowledge.

Our effort will be to curate information from various sources, and also encourage various experts to give their views on various subjects. We expect to cover various aspects in Technology , Management, Communication, Improving Careers etc.,

Lets connect again

Capt. Rajkumar

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Alvida na kehena........Ruta Pradhan - A student from Ahmedabad Campus

Two years at Omegan

Our very own Omegan story,

Is like a glory.

Two years of post graduation passed away fast,

Leaving behind the beautiful memories, those will forever last.

Industrial visits, picnics, joy of giving week,

We enjoyed and sometimes even agreed to compromise with our sleep.

Exams, presentations, management thesis, summer internship – are to name a few,

Forced us to toil and learn something new.

Computer lab, library, parking and terrace were the places to hide,

We liked attending lectures sitting by the window side.

Our management fest ‘Omegan Odyssey’ turned out to be one of the essentials,

It has helped many of us to discover our hidden potentials.

In Principal’s opening lecture, he addressed us as “Omegan’s flag bearers”,

We assure you Sir, we will move ahead in life without committing errors.

Our professors and their teachings have been our sources of inspirations,

Their help and support cleared the hurdles we faced, in reaching our destinations.

May all the Omegan people shine out bright,

May Omegan school of Business earn fame and reach at a great height.

Never ever, forget our very own Omegan story,

Let it forever last in your life’s history.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

News you can use

The first chapter of Prof Ramnik Kapoor's book - Maddening Corridor of Intrigues- is posted on his blog. Please read it and send him your comments.
Indore campus is on Facebook
Ahmedabad Campus has a Google Group with active participation of the students. - worth a look

Get Together @ OSB Indore Campus

Get Together organised by the Students at the Indore Campus on 12 Jan 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Young Achiever in Aurangabad Campus

It is indeed a great achievement for the young Mangesh Dharwadkar who is an Office Boy in our Aurangabad campus . He received a Certificate from PRESIDENT OF INDIA for outstanding performance in Scouts & Guides. He received the Certificate on the Republic Day 26th Jan.10 from Hon.Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil Minister of Maharashtra state (Guardian Minister for Aurangabad )
We have put up the Certificate & News in local Newspaper, along with the photos here.
The Campus is arranging a felicitation function for him.

We are sure he has a great future ahead. and wish him all the best.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Independence Day Celebrations @ Auranagabad Campus

Aurangabad Campus celebrated Independence Day function at their campus. Ex principal Prof.S.B.Dhoot was invited as Chief Guest for the occassion.
The Following programmes were organised
1. Tree Plantation
2. Prize Distribution ceremony for G.A.Tests and Tatva'09 competition held at the University.
3. Eye Donation which was initiated by our student Mr.Amardip Sasane.
Prof.S.B.Dhoot delivered a speech on Organisational Culture of Leadership.(Culture is King ) The function was followed by snacks.
The pictures can be viewed at the site below.